

Fiber Telecom has a flexible colocation offer simply available in the shared areas of the best data centers.

The customer can choose spaces from 1U to one or more 19" racks in IT rooms, suitable for the installation of servers and storage, and in TLC rooms, suitable for the installation of routers, switches and firewalls.

Remote Eyes and Remote Hands services are available by our expert engineers.

  • In some data centers it is possible to install both IT and TLC appliances in the same rack.
  • We have rack spaces with -48VDC and 220VAC power (from 3kW to 20kW per single rack).
  • Both IT rooms and TLC rooms are protected from unauthorized access and equipped with resilient electrical, cooling and fire protection systems.
  • All data centers where Fiber Telecom has installed a network node have at least two diversified paths to our backbone in order to always have network resilience.